Space Association of Australia Inc.
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About Us
The Space Association of Australia Inc. is a non-profit, non-political group of people who are keen to learn about, and share with others, the excitement of space exploration.
Our Purpose To promote the advancement and expansion of the peaceful exploration, utilisation and, colonisation of outer space. To inform and educate the public of the characteristics and benefits of the peaceful exploration, utilisation and colonisation of outer space. To encourage space research and applications by the Australian Government, industry, educational and scientific bodies, and other organisations. To provide a forum for people interested in the peaceful exploration, utilisation and colonisation of outer space.
What do we do? The Space Association holds free public meetings on the fourth Monday of every month except December. Members are sent a newsletter before each meeting, with notice of what’s on at the meeting and other interesting space news. An email distribution list has also been established for those with Internet access. The Space Association organises special exhibitions, displays and lectures from time to time. We also arrange for members to visit aerospace facilities and other interesting places not normally seen by the general public. Social activities such as film nights and barbecues are also held throughout the year.
The Space Show The Space Association presents a weekly radio program "The Space Show" on Southern FM in Melbourne. You can listen in from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm (AET) every Wednesday night on 88.3 MHz or online for space and astronomy news, interviews, commentary and other features.
Space Association Rules The Space Association operates under Consumer Affairs Victoria’s ‘Association Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012’. You can view a copy of the Model Rules as adopted by the SAA here. |